Sunday, June 21, 2015

What do you envision when you hear the word addiction?  Some may think of addiction treatment facilities, where the rich and famous can afford to be pampered with around the clock care, but most people would envision different things.  Most people would envision dirty, disheveled, smelly people, possibly homeless, that would sell their grandmother’s right leg to get another fix.  They think of gaunt eyes, jaundiced, zombie-like skin, people being punished for their own lack of self-control, people who under no duress, willfully fall into whatever addiction they may be feeding at the moment.

Now if someone were to mention cancer or cancer patients, that would paint a different picture altogether.  You would feel a bit sad, pity even, especially for the young ones, who through no fault of their own are sentenced to death, a life sentence of chemotherapy, tons of medication, and indefinite baldness at best.  You can imagine that drug and alcohol addiction treatment rehab centers aren't happy; whether the drug and alcohol addiction rehab treatment Los Angeles or anywhere else, they are losing money and they are not happy about it.  There is less judgment and more sympathy because the perception simply is, “It’s not their fault, and they are not responsible.”  Well, it’s time to change one’s perspective.  The American Society of Addiction Medicine, as of 2012, has reclassified addiction (to any substance) as a disorder of the brain.  The people you once loathed and vilified as drug addicts that would be willing to perform atrocious acts to themselves and to others to make enough for their next fix, are now a group of people that one should realize have less control over themselves than is visible.  We need to change our perception of addicts and addiction:  it is a disease that has its roots in a person’s genes, they are simply born with it, but because DNA is invisible to the naked eye, all a person sees is their destructive, addictive behavior.  What is important is the prescription addiction treatment facilities.

They deserve no less compassion and no less help than those with a diagnosed illness, and yet because of media and popular perception, they have been vilified to the point of being deemed criminals.  It is one thing to suffer from cancer, but at least having people understand that you are truly a victim), it is another to suffer from addiction, and to not have people realize that is just as genuine of a disease, to be categorized as a criminal, having no self-control, and worst of all, to be refused treatment.  It’s not easy, but there is hope.  By recognizing that it is a disease, and being willing to guide them to a rehab center for drug addicts, you can being the process of healing.  There is a residential drug treatment out there, drug and alcohol rehab, that allows the healing to begin.  The drug and rehab programs allow the client to be placed in a judgment-free environment, where addiction treatment and treatment addiction can take place professionally and with the appropriate perspective.  Instead of being treated as inmates in a maximum security prison, or as criminals who hide behind the excuse of being sick, they actually will be treated the way they should be, as patients who are suffering from a disease.

Addiction Treatment Facilities

prescription addiction treatment center